Facelift is an invasive surgical procedure involving lower two-third of the face. Unlike the popular belief, any intervention on the upper one-third of the face above the corners of the eyes requires different surgical procedures, such as forehead and brow lift. Therefor, it is important to understand the terms used in facelift at very first to get the best results.

A typical facelift generally addresses the lower and middle part of your face, including cheeks, neck, corners of your mouth, the area above upper lips, nasolabial folds (smile lines). To get the right treatment, you should clearly explain what exactly is bothering you and communicate your precise needs and figure out what treatment truly can be fitted into these needs, after you are given the professional opinion.

Middle facelift, known as cheek lift, addresses upper cheeks and lower eyelid. Fat pad in the cheeks is lifted principally to achieve fullness to the eyes and cheeks, also lifts the corners of the mouth and correspondingly soften deep smile lines. Mostly works with patients who wish have elevated cheeks.

Full facelift, also called Rhytidectomy, mostly focuses on the deep creases under the lower eyelids, sagginess in the middle face, jowls, the appearance of a “Turkey Neck” and brings drastic changes on your appearance.

Natural aging of the body, lifestyle, sun exposure, genetic reasons, same in the other plastic surgeries too, cause the skin to lose its elasticity, facial muscles to weaken. Therefore, sagging skin and aging folds make people seek different ways to look the way they feel inside. That is where we put our experience and surgical excellence in action.

The procedure involves, pull of the muscle.


  • During the first few days pain killer aid will be necessary
  • Surgical dressings will be changed during your follow-up visit
  • For a minimized risk of infection smoking must be controlled, and avoided until complete healing is achieved
  • Swelling settles within 4 to 6 days
  • Swelling and bruising to an extent is quite normal
  • Two weeks off work recommended at least however we recommend you to consult with our surgeon if additional days off needed
  • You can go back to doing normal activities after a month
  • Numbness resides, bruising, tightness and swelling may take up to a year to completely be unfelt.
  • Success of the recovery is highly conditioned to your post-operative aftercare therefor we suggest you to fit in with all instructions of your surgeon.

Quick Facts:

  • Surgery duration: 3 to 5 hours
  • Anaesthetic: General anaesthetic
  • Recovery time: 2 to 4 weeks
  • Stay: 7 nights
  • Side effects: Bleeding, seroma, asymmetry, changed sensation, alergic reactions
  • Net result: 6 months
  • Stitches: Removable(On 7th day)ns